The Proof (test) is in the measurement. Is safety important to you? Solution for in-situ proof testing Levelflex FMP51 Guided wave radar When you utilize a safety system such as SIL, SIS or API2350, you are familiar with mandatory level instrument proof tests. Most require you to take your vessel off line and manipulate the level in the vessel or remove the instrument completely for testing. These methods typically: * Require hours to complete the test * Increase risk to personnel by placing maintenance staff on tall vessels * Cost money due to extended down time and lost production Micropilot FMR5x Free space radar Liquiphant FTL80 Point level switch At Endress+Hauser, we can help you migrate to in-situ proof testing using free space radar, guided wave radar or vibrating tuning fork instruments installed in your safety system. This solution provides the ability to: * Verify the health of the instrument and the associated wiring * Significantly reduce downtime and the risk to your staff * Improve your maintenance cycle, productivity and bottom line * Provide up to SIL3 rating in overfill prevention with one device Endress+Hauser, Inc 2350 Endress Place Greenwood, IN 46143 Sales: 888-ENDRESS Service: 800-642-8737 Fax: 317-535-8498 Circle 10 on p. 60 or go to