www.chemengonline.com January 2019 Cover Story 29 An Investigation of Premature Flooding in a Distillation Column Surprising observations regarding flooding in the upper fractionation trays of an atmospheric crude-petroleum distillation column are investigated In the News 7 Chementator Recovering rare-earth elements from coal byproducts; A catalyst that mimics enzymes; A more efficient way to convert CO2 into chemicals via MER; Making jet fuel from wood; A methane fuel cell that operates at lower temperatures; Nanoengineered cellulose prevents scaling; and more 12 Business News Ingevity starts up activated-carbon extrusion plant in Changshu; Borealis announces European PP expansion plans; Evonik to increase sodium methylate production in Mobile, Ala.; Sulzer, TechnipFMC and Futerro form bioplastics initiative; and more 14 Newsfront Power-to-X: Batteries Not Required As renewable energy becomes increasingly available (and less expensive), Europeans are looking to Power-to-X as a way to couple the energy, CPI and transportation sectors 18 Newsfront The Balanced Burner Modern combustion technologies help processors safely meet emissions standards, while optimizing the process Technical and Practical 27 Facts at your Fingertips Pressure Measurement for Real Gases This one-page reference provides information on equations of state that have been used to improve the accuracy for the Van der Waals modification of the ideal gas law for real (non-ideal) gases 28 Technology Profile HDPE Production via a SlurryLoop Process This column outlines the production of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) using a slurry-loop process 40 Feature Report Commercializing Process Technologies New processes can provide competitive advantages compared to established processes, but significant effort is required to transition a promising concept into a commercial reality 51 Engineering Practice Cost Engineering: Equipment Purchase Costs A methodology and examples for estimating equipment costs are presented 18 14 29 Volume 126 | no. 1 40 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM JANUARY 2019 1http://www.chemengonline.com http://WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM