Now Available in the Chemical Engineering Store: Process Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Guidebook- Volume 2 This guidebook contains how-to engineering articles formerly published in Chemical Engineering. The articles in Volume 2 provide practical engineering recommendations for process operators faced with the challenge of treating inlet water for process use, and treating industrial wastewater to make it suitable for discharge or reuse. There is a focus on the importance of closed-loop or zero-discharge plant design, as well as the selection, operation and maintenance of membrane-based treatment systems; treating water for use in recirculatedwater cooling systems; managing water treatment to ensure trouble-free steam service; designing stripping columns for water treatment; and more. Table of Contents Process Water Treatment - Challenges and Solutions Water Reuse and Conservation in the CPI Strategies to Minimize Wastewater Discharge Strategies for Water Reuse Wastewater: A Reliable Water Resource Membranes for Process Water Reuse Strategies for Controlling Membrane Fouling Fact at Your Fingertips: Membranes Facts at Your Fingertips: Membrane Configurations Facts at Your Fingertips: Controlling Membrane Fouling Biodegradation and Testing of Scale Inhibitors Keeping Cooling Water Clean Caring for Cooling Water Systems Purifying Coke-Cooling Wastewater Non-Chemical Water Treatment CPI Water and Steam Chemistry Designing Steam Stripping Columns for Wastewater Order your copy today by visiting 20611