www.che.com May 2014 VoluMe 121, no. 5 Cover Story 44 Cover Story Piping-System Leak Detection and Monitoring for the CPI Eliminating the potential for leaks is an integral part of the design process that takes place at the very onset of facility design 44 NewS 11 Chementator A new bioethylene-production process is launched; A biomass torrefaction plant is undergoing expansion; This renewable surfactant can replace solvents for cleaning; A new mass spec technique requires no sample preparation; Covered lagoons treat wastewater and make biogas, too; A new class of polymers that utilize CO2; and more 21 Newsfront Tight Oil Tightrope To capitalize on cost-advantaged crude from shale formations, petroleum refiners must address a host of challenges associated with processing so-called tight oils 28 Newsfront Wireless Technologies Get Better Advances in wireless technology improve the performance and boost the benefits eNgiNeeriNg 42 Facts at Your Fingertips Centrifugal Pump Maintenance This one-page reference provides monitoring, maintenance and lubrication tips for centrifugal pumps 43 Technology Profile Ethanol from the Direct Gasification of Biomass This one-page profile describes a process for producing ethanol from biomass using a gasification process 52 Feature Report Unlocking the Secrets of Plate-and-Frame Heat Exchangers An understanding of the design, sizing, specification and installation of plate-and-frame heat exchangers is necessary to evaluate vendors' proposed designs 60 Engineering Practice Fired Heaters: Best Practices for the Control of Fuel Gas Adopt these practices to ensure new project success, and to achieve safe control and reliable, efficienct operation 21 28 52 ChemiCal engineering www.Che.Com may 2014 1http://www.che.com http://www.Che.Com