When you need BIG POWER, total integration generates bigger and better results. No matter the business - refi nery, utility, manufacturing or petrochemical - if you are in an industry that demands big power, you'll want to check out the complete range of boiler systems from Cleaver-Brooks. For more than 80 years, we have set the industry standard in the design and production of boiler systems that continually maximize effi ciency and deliver uncompromising reliability and the lowest possible emissions. Our total integration is that every component - from gas inlet to stack outlet - is designed, engineered and manufactured by just one company. To find your nearest representative, visit cleaverbrooks.com or call 800.250.5883. ©2016 Cleaver-Brooks, Inc. ChemiCal engineering www.Chemengonline.Com may 2016 Circle 06 on p. 94 or go to adlinks.chemengonline.com/61495-06 27http://www.cleaverbrooks.com http://www.Chemengonline.Com http://adlinks.chemengonline.com/61495-06