FIGURE 2. This piping and instrumentation (P&ID) diagram details the complexity and extent of troubleshooting required for an accurate root-cause analysis for an ammonia pressure safety valve [7] the following: * Analyze and segment historical data quickly * Perform complex realtime calculations on process data * Improve knowledge sharing by allowing users to leave comments on process data (to contextualize data) * Monitor and predict processes within the operational context * Perform effi cient root cause analysis * Improve asset reliability After an incident occurs, an incident investigation is usually conducted by operations to understand the root cause and generate action items that would mitigate or prevent future incidents. Traditionally, this has been done by manually scanning through process data in the historian and data wrangling in Excel files to establish a root cause or generate a correlation. Using advanced self-service analytics, root-cause analysis can be performed with significant time savings. With the click of a few buttons, it can search through historical data in a plant's historian for patterns and specific process conditions, quickly locating all correlations between process tags (including lag time). Furthermore, the work can be shared between users, allowing for a bonus of improved collaboration. Always a step ahead! Smart and innovative Zone 1/Cl I Div1smartphones and tablets with the most advanced technology. Your expert for mobile communication solutions in explosion hazardous and industrial areas. IS930.1 36 IS330.1 IS530.1 WWW.ISAFE-MOBILE.COM For details visit CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM MAY 2021 ©envarto, 34RPLF4, ISM_MA0127_210515 ZONE 1/21 | CL I / DIV 1http://WWW.ISAFE-MOBILE.COM http://WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM