A BETTER WAY TO SEPARATE CHEMICALS AGC's FORBLUE™ series of environmentally friendly anion and cation exchange membranes are used all over the world in many applications including H2 and chlor-alkali production, fuel cell and redox flow battery production, pneumatics, acid recovery, wastewater treatment, salt removal, groundwater desalination, and gas analysis, drying and humidification. Learn how FORBLUE membranes improve performance while reducing operating costs and environmental impact. FORBLUE™ FLEMION: Helps produce caustic soda/caustic potash and Cl2 in electrolysis plants. FORBLUE™ sunsep: Dries or humidifies gas without using a power supply. FORBLUE™ i-SERIES: Used for electrolyte membranes and electrodes of fuel cells. FORBLUE™ SELEMION: Dilutes or concentrates ionic materials with electro/diffusion dialysis. FORBLUE™ S-SERIES: Used in electrolysis or electrodialysis processes. Contact us to discuss your specific application challenge. Visit www.forblue.us or call 800-424-7833. For details visit adlinks.chemengonline.com/80075-12http://adlinks.chemengonline.com/80075-12