Superheated steam 650 psig Cold condensate Free 925 psig Float Trap 1500 psig Conquer Superheat! This thermograph of a 1,000 psig steam line to vacuum discharge clearly shows the outstanding performance delivered by Free Float 1150 psig steam traps. As you can see, they not only survive superheat, they conquer it! Only Free Float traps have 3-point seating-a patented technology that provides effective sealing even in severe service like no-load superheat. In addition, the Free Float's 650 psig 13901 South Lakes Drive, Charlotte, NC 28273-6790 Tel: 704-597-9070 Fax: 704-583-1610 Circle 44 on p. 66 or go to simple operation ensures superior reliability. Unlike other designs, there are no levers or linkages-the float itself provides sealing, and is the only moving part. The result is exceptional service life under the most demanding conditions. For maximum reliability and energy efficiency, choose from 's extensive line of high pressure Free Float traps to keep superheat under control.