october 2011 In ThIs Issue Volume 118, no. 10 oNly oN Che.Com Our redesigned website featuring: A Web exclusive article on Reducing Your Tax Burden; Latest News items; and more www.che.com Cover Story 38 Cover Story About Liquid Filtration A practical guide to liquid filtration NewS 11 Chementator U.S. production is scheduled for a critical metal; A new approach to maintaining tubular heat exchangers; Making crude oil from coal, without mining or combustion; A fast way to recover carbon dioxide; Dewatering enzymes boost ethanol production efficiency; Slash sewage-sludge volumes with this add-on digester; and more 19 Newsfront Compact Reactors Boost Productivity Velocys' microchannel reactors for production of synthetic fuels wins 2011 Kirkpatrick Award 23 Newsfront Fixed Gas Detectors Advances to fixed gas-detection systems reliably alert you and make it easier to keep the devices in better working order to achieve high levels of safety eNgiNeeriNg 28 The Fractionation Column A window into kettle reboiler secrets FRI has a successful history of installing windows on distillation columns. It has now also installed a window on an industrial-size kettle reboiler 30 Facts at Your Fingertips Steam Generator Operation and Thermodynamics This one-page reference guide describes basic engine thermodynamics and steam generation 48 Feature Report Making Pump Maintenance Mandatory Transfer pumps must be kept in optimum shape to handle harsh chemical processing operations 55 Engineering Practice Determine Packing Height With Accuracy HETP is useful for process design calculations, but the use of transfer units brings much needed clarity to equipment selection and specification 66 Solids Processing Characterizing Powder Flow Flow behavior is influenced by prevailing process conditions. Efforts to assess powder characteristics must be aligned with the process itself equipmeNt & ServiCeS 32D-1 Show Preview - Chem Show The 2011 Chem Show will take place in New York on November 1-3 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center. A sampling of the products and services to be on display includes: These pumps deliver precision fluid control; Handle low-flowrate aggressive chemicals with this pump; and more 32D-8 New Products and Services (Domestic Edition) This rotary feeder valve is designed for abrasive materials; View this pressure gage's display from a distance; These emergency lights have battery options; Use this signal isolator in hazardous areas; and more 32I-1 New Products and Services (International Edition) A new control head for process valves; Chemical-resistant tubing with a higher pressure rating; Plastic flowmeters for water applications; A new, lightweight plastic pallet for conveyor systems; Extra protection for pumping heat-transfer fluids; A new way to determine particle size distributions of emulsions; and more 35 Focus on Weighing A portable platform scale for containers; This system includes solids-weighing components; Four mounting options are available for these weighing systems; Keep food production safe with these scales; and more 64 Focus on Motors and Drives Ground shaft currents to protect bearings; Load ratings for these bearings are the highest around; Permanent magnet motors reduce size and weight; A reversing drive with minimal strain; These monitoring relays protect motors; Explosion-proof motors are used in these blowers; and more CommeNtary 5 Editor's Page Perkin Award reflects ChE trend Today's chemical engineering profession is nearly as much about minimizing the use of chemicals as producing them departmeNtS Letters . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Calendar ........ 8-9 Who's Who ....... 32 Reader Service .... 78 Economic Indicators . . . . . 79-80 advertiSerS Product Showcase . . 73 Classified Advertising .... 74-76 Advertiser Index . . . 77 ComiNg iN November Look for: Feature Reports on Control Valves; and Energy Efficiency; an Environmental Manager article on Modern Concepts in Makeup Water Production; News articles on Employment and Salary Survey; and Dust Control; Facts at Your Fingertips on Level Measurement; a Focus on Pipes, Tubes and Fittings; and more Cover: David Whitcher ChemiCal engineering www.Che.Com oCtober 2011 3http://www.Che.Com http://www.che.com http://www.Che.Com