IF THEY WORK IN WATER, THEY WILL BE AT If you can only attend one event during the year, make it WEFTEC, the largest water quality exhibition in North America. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet one-on-one with more than 900 exhibiting companies, the most knowledgeable manufacturers, consultants, and contractors in the water and wastewater industry. Capitalize on unique educational opportunities and form quality business relationships for your organization. WEFTEC Exhibitors represent the most comprehensive array of products and services including: Activated Carbon Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment Aeration Systems Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment Biological Nutrient Removal Biosolids and Sludge Chemicals and Chemical Handling Collection Systems Contractor Services Consultant Services Contaminant Removal Corrosion Protection Computer Software Data Monitoring and Analysis Dewatering Digesters Disinfection Environmental Filters Hydrogen Sulfi de Control Infi ltration/Infl ow Control Instrumentation Laboratories Leak Detection Membrane Technologies Motors and Motor Controls Odor Controls Ozone Pipes Pumps Rehabilitation SCADA Systems Security Stormwater Tanks Valves Water Recycling/Reuse ...and so much more. Preview the technical program and exhibitor list at www.WEFTEC.org/announcement 83rd Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference New Orleans Morial Convention Center | New Orleans, Louisiana USA Conference: October 2-6, 2010 | Exhibition: October 4-6, 2010 www.WEFTEC.org Circle 37 on p. 62 or go to adlinks.che.com/29254-37http://www.WEFTEC.org/announcement http://www.WEFTEC.org http://adlinks.che.com/29254-37