® Don't let your staff be surprised by a broken or underperforming instrument in the OR. " Surprises " come at a price: 3 OR inefficiency and downtime 3 Surgeon dissatisfaction 3 Risk to patient outcomes 3 Impact on staff morale 3 Potential audit findings During an ACT tray assessment, Katena's experienced Clinical Specialists and Territory Managers will: 3 ASSESS: Examine and ASSESS the overall health of your instrument sets 3 CORRECT: Make recommendations to CORRECT processes 3 TUNE: Identify items needing repair (TUNE) Be proACTive! Register to request an ACT today - and receive the information you need to make decisions about your instrument requirements. This is a no-obligation FREE semi-annual service KI-Adv-022819-Rev1 800-225-1195 * www.katena.comhttp://www.katena.com