Patient positioning solutions for MIS & robotic surgery. PatientGuard™ Robotic Positioning System FEATURING TrenGuard TM Trendelenburg Patient Restraint . . . . Model in 40o Trendelenburg, shown with PatientGuard™ 600 Robot Stirrups, ArmGuard™ Extended Arm Protector with Rail Mounted Sled, TrenGuard™ 450 Hybrid. TrenGuard™ 450 Hybrid lateral stabilizing pillow is ghosted for visualization. No shoulder braces. Non-structural lateral stabilizing pillows control body mass shift. No patient sliding. Patented " Speed Bump " bolster is clinically proven to stop patient sliding. Versatility. System easily accomodates patients of all sizes, from pediatrics to High-BMI patients up to 550 lbs Designed for Quality Improvement. TrenGuard™ Trendelenburg Restraint was developed to improve patient safety and increase effi ciency in the OR. Visit our website to see the research poster: " Preventing Patient Sliding in Steep Trendelenburg " TrenGuard™ ArmGuard™ Trendelenburg Restraint Arm Protector FIND US ONLINE PatientGuard™ Robotic Stirrups™ EMAIL US TrenGuard™ Covered by Patent # 9149406B2, Multiple Patents Pending FaceGuard™ Face Protector/ Tray 800.261.9953 CALL US Copyright 2018 D. A. Surgical All Rights Reserved AD2018011002A2