ENVIRONMENTAL ALERT! header US Landfills will start running out of space in as little as 8 years! WHERE ARE YOUR DISPOSABLE LARYNGOSCOPES REALLY GOING? Disposable Laryngoscope Systems are not recyclable: - Composed of mixed plastics and the Endocrine Disrupting Chemical PVC - Utilize toxic manufacturing and disposal processes BOTTOM LINE: When hospitals choose Disposable Laryngoscope Systems, they are putting TONS of waste into landfills each year. Add a HEINE Reusable Laryngoscope featuring the LED EasyClean Handle System to your Sustainable Procurement! - Contains no PVC or Plastic. - Proven to be more cost effective than disposables. - Compliant with JC Guidelines for choice of wipe down or sterilize without disassembly. - Now Available on the GreenHealth Exchange. 20 Contact HEINE at: (800) 367-4872 or service@heine-na.com for a demonstration. OR Manager | September 2019 www.ormanager.comhttp://www.ormanager.com