THE BIG PICTURE: Next-Gen Nuclear Three years after the Fukushima catastrophe, 72 mostly advanced nuclear reactors-a total of 68 GW-are under construction worldwide, almost all in countries with established nuclear programs. But about 30 countries are looking to introduce nuclear into their generation mix. Sources: International Atomic Energy Agency PRIS database, World Nuclear Association, POWER -Copy and artwork by Sonal Patel, a POWER associate editor CHINA 27.8 GW RUSSIA INDIA S. KOREA U.S. ARGENTINA JAPAN (on hold) PAKISTAN 8.4 GW 3.9 GW 6.3 GW 5.6 GW 717 MW 1.3 GW 630 MW KEY: AP1000 (Westinghouse/ Toshiba) EPR (AREVA/ France) VVER (Rosatom/ Russia) CNP (China National Nuclear Corp.) OPR-1000 (Korea Hydro & Nuclear) PHWR FAST BREEDER REACTOR SLOVAKIA 880 MW UKRAINE UAE BELARUS BRAZIL FINLAND FRANCE LITHUANIA 1.9 GW 2.7 GW 1.1 GW 1.2 GW 1.6 GW 1.6 GW 7.1 GW 1.3 GW Committed plans, legal and regulatory infrastructure is developing: POLAND 3 GW BANGLADESH 2 GW JORDAN 2 GW VIETNAM 2.1 GW NOTABLE NUCLEAR NEWCOMERS Contracts signed, legal and regulatory infrastructure is well-developed: TURKEY ABWR (GE-Hitachi or Toshiba) 14 ATMEA1 (AREVA/ MHI) CPR-1000 (China Guangdong Nuclear) ACPR-1000 (China Guangdong Nuclear) APR1400 (Korea Hydro & Nuclear) HIGH-TEMP. GAS-COOLED OTHER POWER | April 2014