Clean on arrival. Guaranteed. We're raising the bar on cleanliness. If oil cleanliness is critical to your operations, turn to us; our dedicated bulk trailers can be dispatched to supply best-in-class turbine oils with a guaranteed ISO Cleanliness Code rating of 18/16/13. Our product line includes Ultra-Clean Turbine Oil and top-tier Diamond Class® Turbine Oil, which is proven to resist varnish formation for more than 35,000 hours in lab tests. This offering of two premium oils with extended oxidation stability and guaranteed cleanliness is an industry exclusive. Long-lasting turbine protection starts here. Call 877-445-9198 or visit to learn more. © 2011 ConocoPhillips Company. ConocoPhillips, Conoco, Phillips 66, 76, and their respective logos, and Diamond Class are trademarks of ConocoPhillips Company in the U.S.A. and other countries. T3-CPL-1428 CIRCLE 7 ON READER SERVICE CARD