48 Thermocouple Response Time Study for Steam Temperature Control Many factors influence the overall response time of temperature measurement in boiler steam lines. In this project, the response time of one common boiler temperature measurement, taken at the desuperheater outlet, found that a thick-walled thermowell was the primary culprit in the longer-than-expected response time. 54 Concerns About Temperature-Equalizing Columns Used for Steam Drum Level Measurement Sometimes the solution to one problem creates a new problem. Such is the case with temperature-equalizing columns added in years past to equipment used to measure boiler steam drum water level. This article provides an explanation of the problems as well as recommendations for dealing with them. 54 FEATURE PLANT DESIGN 58 Designing Fuel Systems for Large Biomass Plants Whether your plant is considering cofiring biomass or using a circulating fluidized bed to burn it, there are a several design considerations to be aware of. Variables affecting biomass use range from site conditions to fuel temperature and moisture content to variable flow characteristics. One way to eliminate some of the fuel characteristics uncertainty is to take advantage of biomass pretreatment options. DEPARTMENTS SPEAKING OF POWER 58 6 Reaching Retirement GLOBAL MONITOR 8 Major Milestones for the AP1000 Reactor 8 DOI Approves Nine Solar Projects on Federal Land-So Far 9 Laos Inaugurates Major Revenue-Generating Hydropower Plant 10 Marine Power Developments Move Forward in North America 12 Ukraine Opens Chernobyl to Visitors 12 Readers Write 14 POWER Digest FOCUS ON O&M 16 Deferred Maintenance Increases Pump Failures 20 Designing Large Package Boilers 65 NEW PRODUCTS COMMENTARY 8 2 72 Pre-Combustion Technologies: A Key Environmental Compliance Tool By Jason Hayes, ME Des, communications director, American Coal Council www.powermag.com POWER | February 2011http://www.powermag.com