Visit us at EUEC Booth #809 CLEAN SOLUTIONS FOR THE POWER INDUSTRY Power generation has many unique monitoring requirements, from combustion optimization, air pollution control and continuous emissions monitoring. The more complex the process, the greater the demands on analyzer solutions, system engineering and services. When it comes to meeting these measurement ejcnngpigu. UKEM ku c uvgr cjgcf ykvj eqorngvg uqnwvkqpu hqt icu cpcn{uku. fwuv cpf àqy ogcuwtgogpv0 UKEM offers rugged technologies that are perfectly tailored for each measurement environment, with superior gswkrogpv cxckncdknkv{ cpf gcu{ qrgtcvkqp0 Yjgp kv eqogu vq Þpfkpi c engcp uqnwvkqp. vjg yjqng yqtnf vcmg kvu measurements from SICK. Call 281-436-5100 or visit yyy0ukemwuc0eqo0 CIRCLE 8 ON READER SERVICE CARD