THE BIG PICTURE: A Shale Gas Revolution Large circles represent technical reserves and small (blue) circles represent potential reserves of shale gas, both in trillion cubic feet. Bars on the right represent each region's existing natural gas-fired generation in 2008 (yellow) and the amount projected for 2035 (blue) in TWh. OECD = Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Data source: Energy Information Administration/ Advanced Resources International (ARI), 2011 -Sonal Patel is POWER's senior writer Canada 388 62 U.S. 862 272.5 Mexico 681 12 NON-OECD AMERICAS Brazil 226 12.9 Argentina 774 13.4 Chile 3.5 64 Australia 396 110 China India 63 37.9 Algeria 231 159 Norway 83 72 12 1,275 107 ASIA/AUSTRALIA China 2008: 31 TWh 2035: 315 TWh India 2008: 81 TWh 2035: 410 TWh Australia/New Zealand 2008: 48 TWh 2035: 139 TWh MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA Middle East 2008: 428 TWh 2035: 1,072 TWh Libya 290 54.7 France 180 0.2 South Africa 485 Poland 187 5.8 Africa 2008: 170 TWh 2035: 587 TWh EUROPE OECD Europe 2008: 841 TWh Non-OECD Europe 2008: 627 TWh 2035: 766 TWh POWER | June 2012 2035: 1,352 TWh Central and South America 2008: 128 TWh 2035: 391 TWh Brazil 2008: 28 TWh 2035: 264 TWh U.S. Canada Mexico/Chile OECD AMERICAS 2008: 882 TWh 2035: 1,288 TWh 2008: 40 TWh 2035: 108 TWh 2008: 147 TWh 2035: 418 TWh