WE S T I N G H O U S E E L E C T R I C C OMPA N Y L L C The NexT INNovaTIoN from WesTINghouse Great things do come in small packages. Satisfying the world's demand for electricity without emitting any greenhouse gases is a complex problem, but part of the solution is now becoming a reality. Introducing the next innovation in reliable and clean nuclear energy - the Westinghouse small modular reactor. The Westinghouse small modular reactor is a 200 MWe class, integral pressurized water reactor that features enhanced safety systems. These factory-built, modular reactors will also reduce construction time and costs, powering energy independence and global economic growth. Always looking ahead, Westinghouse nuclear technology will help provide future generations with safe, clean and reliable electricity. Check us out at www.westinghousenuclear.com circle 13 on reader service cardhttp://www.westinghousenuclear.com