Innovation Specialist Know-how Quality and Reliability Dutch Design Tailor-Made Products The Power of Wide International Experience 35,000 MWe installed on 6 continents, 25 agencies world-wide, offi ces in 6 countries, and 800 passionate specialists. ...from Design to After Sales Service NEM specializes in Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs), Industrial and midsize Utility Boilers, Process Boilers, Once Through HRSGs and components for Power Plants like Dampers and Diverters. We are capable of meeting all of your requirements. From small units to large units, from new units to after market support, for any location on the globe. P.O. Box 162 * 2300 AD Leiden * the Netherlands * Tel: +31 71 5792444 Fax: +31 71 5792792 * E-mail: * Website: circle 27 on reader service card