ELECTRIC POWER will have leading power generators and industry executives addressing topics that cut across fuel types and focus on the technologically advanced power plant. Opening Keynote Speakers: The Challenges of Operating the Largest Nuclear Fleet in the Nation Bryan Hanson Senior Vice President, Exelon Generation President & Chief Nuclear Offi cer, Exelon Nuclear Mcity, Smart Cities and the Electric Connection Dr. Huei Peng Director of the University of Michigan Mobility Transformation Center, and the Roger L. McCarthy Prof. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan Executive Roundtable-Making the Connection Moderator: Barry Worthington Executive Director United States Energy Association Panelists: Andrew Ott President and CEO PJM Interconnection, LLC John Bear President & CEO MISO-Midcontinent Independent System Operator Cindy Crane President and CEO Rocky Mountain Power Ken Zagzebsk President US Strategic Business Unit (SBU) The AES Corporation Register with code PWRMAR by March 31 to save $100 off the onsite rate to attend the full conference! Onsite: $1,149 $1,049! 29544