L I Q U I D L E V E L M E A S U R E M E N T Ever notice how some technologies shrink as they get smarter? Magnetrol's Digital E3 Modulevel® Smaller. Smarter. T he Digital E3 Modulevel, our fourth-generation displacer transmitter, features the most advanced software and functional capabilities to date. This intrinsically safe, two-wire instrument utilizes highly accurate LVDT technology and a simple two-parameter configuration requiring no level movement. The E3 is HART® It supports the FDT/DTM standard and includes a PACTware™ , FOUNDATION fieldbus™, and AMS compatible. PC software package for additional configuration/trending capabilities. Housed in a distinctive dual compartment enclosure, the E3 weighs in at 25 pounds less than earlier Modulevel transmitters. It's smaller size makes installation and routine maintenance easier than other displacer transmitters on the market today. To learn more about how the Digital E3 outperforms other displacer transmitters, visit magnetrol.com. SIL 2 SFF 92.3% Worldwide Level and Flow Solutions 1-800-624-8765 * magnetrol.com info@magnetrol.com SM circle 44 on reader service card E3 MODULEVELhttp://www.magnetrol.com http://www.magnetrol.com