Expect the Best from DGUV GhÝekgpekgu# BEST Engineering! BEST Value! Surpass better by starting with the best. Victory Energy offers a full range of customdesigned HRSG systems that are engineered to deliver proven performance with the industry's dguv ghÝekgpekgu cpf qrvkowo xcnwg0 î Large units are available for a variety of exhaust gases. î Cfxcpegf Þqy modeling analytics. î Long-term reliability under the most extreme demands. î Modular-designed units are completely shop-assembled to maximize transportation ghÝekgpekgu cpf okpkok¦g Ýgnf equvu d{ lowering man-hours needed for installation. î 1, 2 or 3 pressure levels. î World-class engineering staff brings crrnkecvkqp urgekÝe gzrgtvkug vq gxgt{ rtqlgev0 Engineering a better product is standard for Victory Energy. Engineering the " best " is the driving force behind our passion to deliver the highest quality HRSG systems in the world. For heat recovery solutions that are innovative and reliable, contact Victory Energy. F O L L O W A L E A D E R PATENTED HRSG DESIGN SOLUTIONS | telephone: 918.274.0023 | hot line: 877.783.2665 CIRCLE 1 ON READER SERVICE CARD