FIELD REPORT#1 Country Finland Location Olkiluoto Fulfilling new-generation safety requirements makes economic sense. Utilities must satisfy new and ever increasing safety requirements and achieve the best economics possible. The EPR™ design does both. The EPR™ is the most scrutinized advanced design in the world. It's already being built in Finland, China and France, and is undergoing regulatory reviews in the US and the UK. That return on experience is already helping utilities achieve timely design and licensing reviews. The requirements of forward-looking utilities and safety authorities were incorporated at the earliest design stage. The resulting safety features were optimized with nuclear operators who have extensive experience in generating competitive megawatts. Fulfilling new-generation safety requirements does make economic sense - now and for the next 60 years. Return on Experience Some call it an achievement. We call it another reason to keep doing better. Find out why : CIRCLE 21 ON READER SERVICE CARD Energy is our future, don't waste it! - © Copyright: AREVA - September 2010 EGGS AGENCE