Steam You Can Depend On... BoilerBoiler Level Indication System Level Indication System New intelligence " senses the sensors " to notify operators when probes need cleaning * assures the most accurate, dependable and reliable water level * eliminates need for frequent blowdowns * reduces operator exposure to hazardous areas * expert-verified installation (Free, all-day on-site review to verify compliance to Section I of ASME Code) Free! Ask for Your Boiler Inspection Booklet Includes 2013 code changes World Leader in Boiler Level Control and Indication Phone: 440.572.1500 Fax: 440.238.8828 Clark-Reliance is a registered trademark of The Clark-Reliance Corporation. © 2014 The Clark-Reliance® CIRCLE 4 ON READER SERVICE CARD Corporation Remote indicators can be located up to one mile from the boiler...designed for efficient communication now and in the future.