Since 1968 7FA COUPLING Next Time - ZIP IT! Make Safety a Habit Reliability a Fact! Puller-Free Simplified Precision HYTORC Load Coupling TOOL KIT Switch from conical pullers to no pullers! Leave the bolts, place reusable and precision weighted nuts on their ends and stretch the bolts universally to the desired load within 5% to obtain circumferential even compression without side load, torsion or bolt relaxation. If a safer, faster and simpler way to assemble and disassemble Load Couplings has long been on your mind, the HYTORC Load Coupling Tool Kit is like a ZIPPER. Just contact your Tensioning! TIME STUDY Number of Fasteners stretched simultaneously: 2 at a time. First 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock and then 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock at 50% of the desired load. Then always 2 opposite from each HYTORC, Division UNEX Corporation Total Time: 1 hour, 43 Minutes! +1 201 512-9500 CIRCLE 6 ON READER SERVICE CARD www.HYTORC.com