Since 1968 7FA CASING Next Time - ZIP IT! Make Safety a Habit Reliability a Fact! Puller-Free Simplified Precision HYTORC Casing-Bolt TOOL KIT Everything you need for the Horiztals and Verticals of the 7FA in one single box! Switch from hydraulic tensioning or hydraulic torque to Stretch-to-Load without replacing the bolts. Just click the tools on the reusable nuts and stretch all bolts to the desired load within 5%, hands-free from a safe distance. There is no puller to fail, no reaction arm to pinch, no bolt relaxation, no torsion or side load, no measuring, just straight axial bolt load to compress the joint evenly amongst all fasteners or to loosen it up - as if it had a ZIPPER! TIME STUDY Number of Fasteners stretched simultaneously to the desired load: Horizontal Joint: 2 on each side, Vertical Joint: 2 on each side. Total Time: 1 hour, 27 Minutes! HYTORC, Division UNEX Corporation CIRCLE 5 ON READER SERVICE CARD +1 201 512-9500 Tensioning!