Powerplant Engineering DESIGN & EPC CONSTRUCTION (We team with EPC Contractors selected to suit the project) Bob Bibb Chairman / CEO bobbibb@bibb-eac.com Lou Gonzales President / COO CLIENTELE: Utilities * IPPs * Industry * Universities OEMs * Banks/Investors Roger Petersen Mgr. Bus. Develop., LA PROJECTS (New, Retrofit & Modifications): Biomass * Solar (Thermal & PV) * Wind Simple & Combined Cycle * Fluidized Bed/PC/Stoker Boilers Biofuels * Landfill Gas * MSW * Gasification * Pyrolysis Plant Improvements * Air Pollution Control * Engine-Generators CHP/Cogeneration * Energy Savings * Facilities/Buildings & Systems SERVICES: * Detailed Design * EPC * CM * Studies Owner & Bank Engineering Please, contact us for our full qualifications. 3131 Broadway Kansas City, Missouri 64111 816.285.5500 www.bibb-eac.com For career opportunities e-mail a resume in confidence to: recruitment@bibb-eac.com CIRCLE 30 ON READER SERVICE CARDhttp://www.bibb-eac.com