Copyright Information: Articles published in The Journal of College and University Student Housing are copyright of the Association of College & University Housing Officers - International (ACUHO-I) unless noted otherwise. For educational purposes, information may be used without restriction. However, ACUHO-I does request that copies be distributed at or below cost and that proper identification of author(s) and The Journal of College and University Student Housing be affixed to each copy. Abstracts and Indexes: Currently abstracted in Higher Education Abstracts. Subscriptions: $30 per two-volume year for members $40 for nonmembers The Journal of College and University Student Housing is available to ACUHO-I members in a digital format at Available from the ACUHO-I Headquarters, 1445 Summit Street, Columbus, Ohio 43201-2105. ISSN 0161-827X Cover Photos: Front - The photos on the front and back of this cover are of Bonnycastle Hall at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The photographer is Cameron Triggs Photography.