TABLE 1 Data Collection SOURCE DESCRIPTION Focus groups Inclusion assistants (8 participants) Inclusion assistants (7 participants) Inclusion assistants (6 participants) Inclusion assistant supervisors (7 participants) Inclusion assistant supervisors (5 participants) Inclusion assistant supervisors (4 participants) Students who had significant interactions with inclusion assistants (3 participants) Students who had significant interactions with inclusion assistants (3 participants) Students who had significant interactions with inclusion assistants (2 participants) Students who had significant interactions with inclusion assistants (1 participant) Individual interviews 11 students with underrepresented identities Document analysis Residential curriculum materials Assessment and evaluation materials Training manuals and documents Recruitment materials Previous focus group report featured inclusion assistants was entangled with other organizational changes, which likely influenced the experiences of inclusion assistants and thus our findings. FINDINGS We identified four themes from the data that addressed our research question: How does the inclusion assistant program influence success among students with underrepresented identities at a public rural PWI in the Midwest? The first two themes relate to the impact that the inclusion assistants had and how they met the needs of the residents. The final two themes address challenges that the inclusion assistants faced when striving to support residents with underrepresented identities. Volume 47, No. 2 * 2021 51