TABLE 1 Demographics of Students and Residence Life Staff at PRU Student population (%) Black Latinx Asian White Other 17 19 6 49 9 Residential population (%) 39 10 3 45 3 RA staff (%) 40 5 6 50 Graduate staff (%) 33 25 42 Note. " Other " includes international, two or more races, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and unknown. Professional staff (%) 9 9 82 TABLE 2 Participant Demographics Pseudonym Gender Captain Liam Simone Brandon Student Woman Woman Woman Man Woman Race Black Black Black Black Black Year at college 4th year 3rd year 2nd year 3rd year 3rd year Years in RA position (at time of interviews) 2nd year 2nd year 1st year 2nd semester (mid-year hire) 2nd year As the diversity of college students across the United States increases, more and more institutions will no longer meet the PWI classification. While the compositional diversity of these institutions is changing, their elitist and exclusionary origins will continue to shape the experience of Black RAs unless institutions intentionally address the unique needs of their increasingly diverse student bodies. Volume 48, No. 3 * 2022 47