APPENDIX B Jamii House Living-Learning Community Programming Academic First-year experience (FYE) course for academic preparation First-year experience course for graduate school and research Success coaching Cocurricular Black faculty and staff speaker series/monthly dinners with Black male faculty Study abroad component to countries in Europe and South America Black male entrepreneur/ business summit Living/residential component Individual monthly meetings with resident assistant Field day and other social activities with other livinglearning communities Brotherhood/community meetings focused on community, wellness, and living on the LLC floor Weekly study hall with professors and tutors Graduate school tours Welcome reception with parents, faculty, staff, and current students February Black History Program with Black alumni Floor and FYE mentors to help students transition into the LLC Residence life staff such as hall director and assistant hall director (graduate assistant) Research opportunities Community building trip to Washington, D.C., and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference Career development and internship opportunities related to student majors Peer mentorship Volume 49, No. 2 * 2023 83