Balancing Priorities DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What are some actionable ways that retention for entry-level housing staff can be improved, apart from compensation? 2. What changes need to take place when lowering the qualification threshold for entry-level housing positions? 3. How can senior leaders work to build functional support for mid-level staff who are taking on more responsibility for training entry-level staff who would historically be deemed underqualified? 4. What knowledge has been taken for granted in student affairs? 5. The author discusses generational differences across the many levels of student affairs. What are some steps departments can take to aid in bridging those differences? 6. Reflecting on your own institution, do you believe a graduate assistant program directed toward senior RAs would be effective? What challenges do you foresee in creating and implementing such a program? 7. How can housing departments work to be more transparent with candidates about live-in positions? How much transparency is appropriate? When can transparency become detrimental to a department? Discussion questions developed by Nick Cornett, University of North Texas Volume 51, No. 1 * 2024 83