AKJ EDUCATION Leveled Reading Collections WHAT'S INSIDE? Every student deserves books that meet them at their reading level and provide an appropriate challenge to increase fluency and comprehension. AKJ Education's Leveled Reading collections offer a mix of new and classic titles leveled according to the Fountas and Pinnell guidelines. Our reading specialists prioritize titles that have been evaluated and leveled directly by Fountas and Pinnell. In some collections, titles leveled by our publisher partners are included to provide additional variety and balance. For additional balance, our collections also contain a mix of fiction and nonfiction. 2 TYPES OF COLLECTIONS designed for Spanish classrooms: 1 2 CLASSROOM COLLECTIONS Use these collections when you need books at a particular grade level, K-8. For each of the collections, our content specialists have selected books from the leveled reading levels that apply to a particular grade. For example, below are the levels used in the Kindergarten Collection: Kindergarten Levels A-E Grade Level Kindergarten (at level) LEVEL A LEVEL B LEVEL C LEVEL D LEVEL E Kindergarten-Grade 1 (above level) Leveled Reading A B C D E Use the Reading Correlation Chart on the inside front cover to determine which levels correspond with each grade level. Cstarter OLLECTIONS Use these collections when you need books at a particular Leveled Reading level, A-Z. CclassroomOLLECTIONS Build the perfect classroom library! Grade level collections combine books from multiple leveled reading levels to meet the reading standards for each grade-a library must-have. GRADE LEVEL CLASSROOM COLLECTIONS are organized as follows: 20-24 BOOK