Command and General Staff College Foundation News Spring 2023 - 8

- from page 7
objectives. The Army has undergone and will continue to
experience several of these strategic assessments to look
at how we conduct professional development for Captains,
recruitment strategies for Soldiers, and Warrant officer
modernization strategies to build the Army of 2030.
In your leadership journey, you will encounter
opportunities to help you revise your mental models
and leadership approach to ignite organizational change.
Understanding the value of assessments will inspire you
to apply rigor when identifying areas where you can assist
your commander in understanding the organization while
also focusing on business processes, people, data literacy,
and readiness that supports the organization's objectives.
Go forth to be great and continue to rely on your foresight
relevant to the situation and the organization you serve.
Three CGSC faculty members receive top awards
Army University Public Affairs
Edited by Mark H. Wiggins, Managing Editor
whaT maKeS a Good inSTruCTor? -
" There are Three CharaCTeriSTiCS ThaT maKe a Good
TeaCher - paSSion, preparaTion, and humiliTy, " Said
dr. TrenT lyThGoe, The Command and General STaff
ColleGe eduCaTor of The year.
" Passion means having a genuine love for teaching,
caring about students, and being enthusiastic about what
you are teaching, " he explained. " Preparation means being
an expert in one's field and being prepared for each class
- both are critical to establish credibility with students.
Humility means that teachers are also learners. They work
to improve their weaknesses and embrace mistakes as
learning opportunities. Most importantly, humble teachers
respect their students. "
The college named Lythgoe, Lt. Col. Paul Mostafa,
Australia, Military Instructor of the Year and Dr. Jonathan
Abel, Department of Military History, Civilian Instructor
of the Year as its top instructors for this academic year.
The faculty members will represent CGSC in the annual
Training and Doctrine Command Educator of the Year
competition. The three were recognized in a ceremony on
March 6, 2023, in the Eisenhower Auditorium of the Lewis
and Clark Center.
During the ceremony CGSC Foundation President/CEO
Rod Cox presented each of the awardees a College chair
on behalf of the Foundation board of trustees and all of
its supporters as part of its annual programs to recognize
excellence in the College's faculty and student body.
Cox explained the Foundation's intent and thanked the
assembled group for the opportunity before making the
Naming of the top instructors is the culmination of work
that began in the fall. CGSC schools and departments
submitted their nominations for the honors early in the
academic year. During the past several months, the CGSC
selection panel observed classes, reviewed nomination
packets, and interviewed those nominees. The selection
panel met Jan. 5 and chose the three winners.
Dr. Ric Killian, Assistant Dean for Faculty & Strategic
Initiatives, explained the process. " In short, we conduct the
CGSC Educator of the Year competition as a member of
CGSC presented its annual Educators of the Year awards in a ceremony
on March 6, 2023, in the Eisenhower Auditorium of the Lewis and Clark
Center. Front row: Lt. Col. Paul Mostafa, Australia, Military Instructor of the
Year; Dr. Jonathan Abel, CGSC Department of Military History, Civilian
Instructor of the Year; and Dr. Trent Lythgoe, the Command and General
Staff College Educator of the Year. Back Row: Dr. Robert Davis, CGSC
Associate Dean of Academics; CGSC Foundation President/CEO Rod Cox;
and Dr. Jack Kemp, CGSC Dean of Academics.
TRADOC's Instructor of the Year competition. There are
seven nominating categories in the TRADOC competition.
This year we decided to maximize our participation by
submitting nominees in the following categories: Educator
of the Year, Active Duty Officer Instructor of the Year, and
DA Civilian Instructor of the Year. "
Continuing to improve is a common theme among the
three awardees.
" In reality I have been " honing my craft " since I joined
the Army " said Mostafa. " Being an effective instructor in
the adult learning environment is really about being an
effective leader. "
Abel said attending Faculty Development Program
sessions within, expanding personal reading and research
beyond his field, regularly talking with colleagues to see
what's working for them in the classroom and whether
he can use their techniques are all part of his professional
Read the full story and see more photos online:

Command and General Staff College Foundation News Spring 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Command and General Staff College Foundation News Spring 2023

Command and General Staff College Foundation News Spring 2023 - 1
Command and General Staff College Foundation News Spring 2023 - 2
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