Early Music America Fall 2012 - (Page 16)

profile By Beth Adelman A Classical Playlist on Your Cable Television How does it happen that you often hear early music recordings on cable TV’s Music Choice service or are entertained by serious music while the Senate is voting? introduce his listeners to what he calls a stormy Friday “new old music.” night channel surfing your digital Glasford came to Music Choice by cable service, you have probably come way of Juilliard (where he was a music across Music Choice—46 channels of librarian) and WNYC, New York City’s music in every genre, playing public radio station, where he happened uninterrupted 24 hours a day, seven into a classical music programming posidays a week. If you tuned in to tion after a programmer took a leave of “Classical Masterpieces” or “Light absence. He finds Classical,” you may Music Choice a “totally have heard period different kind of proinstrument recordings gramming experience by U.S. groups like because it’s no talk, no Musica Pacifica, commercials, continuBoston Baroque, ous music. The chalTempesta di Mare, or lenge is to program international groups more music and still like the Orchestra of keep the audience the 18th Century or interested and the Freiburg Baroque engaged.” Orchestra. Light Classical plays Senior programmer shorter works of a G. Richard Glasford, lighter texture, or who programs both excerpts from longer channels, has a degree “As much as I would love works. This is where in music history from to play a complete Bach early music tends to be Syracuse University cantata cycle on Sunday programmed. It is and a taste for the mornings,” Glasford says, designed for people High Baroque comwho have it on at posers in vogue “for business reasons I home, who might among early music probably wouldn’t be either listen to it or aficionados when he doing that.” have it on as backwas at university: ground music. The Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688-1758), Jan Dismas Zelenka audience tends to be younger. “We’ve heard from younger people that they put (1679-1745), Lorenzo Zavateri (1690it on to study, so I guess maybe there is 1764), Johann David Heinichen (1683something to the Mozart effect or the 1729), Joan Baptista Pla (c.1720Bach effect,” says Glasford. 1773)—“composers that are not necesClassical Masterpieces plays longer, sarily on the tip of everybody’s tongue,” larger works in their entirety, and is he says. In fact, one of his goals is to I F YOU’VE EVER SPENT Honeysuckle Music Music for recorders, strings, flute, guitar & chamber groups ... Recorders & accessories Jean Allison Olson 1604 Portland Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 651.644.8545 www.honeysucklemusic.com jean@honeysucklemusic.com 16 Fall 2012 Early Music America http://www.cambridgeconcentus.org http://www.cambridgeconcentus.org http://www.honeysucklemusic.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Early Music America Fall 2012

Editor’s Note
EMA Competition
Sound Bytes
Musings: Listening Forward
Profile: A Classical Playlist on Your Cable Television
Recording Reviews
Reconstructing Spanish Songs from the Time of Cervantes
Janet See: Traversist on Two Continents
Musical Mosaic Explores “Perspectives of Interspersing Peoples”
Book Reviews
Ad Index
In Conclusion: Conducting Early Music

Early Music America Fall 2012
