Early Music America Spring 2013 - (Page 4)
Don’t forget: March is Play-the-Recorder Month!
(Visit www.americanrecorder.org/events/ptrm.htm.)
Compiled by Mark Longaker
Schola Antigua of Chicago
Scoring Grants
Portland Baroque Orchestra has received grants total-
ing $52,500 from three private foundations since October. Grants from the James F.
and Marion L. Miller Foundation ($25,000), the Roy and
Diane Martin Fund of the
Oregon Community Foundation ($20,000), and the Herbert A. Templeton Foundation
($7,500) will help support
PBO’s development of artistic
programming and new accessibility, education, and outreach initiatives.
Spring 2013 Early Music America
only U.S. entrant in the prestigious contest, which featured 16 groups from countries that also included Germany, the Philippines,
Finland, France, Indonesia,
Ireland, Latvia, the U.K.,
and the Ukraine.
Mallarme Chamber Players
in Durham, NC, received a
Challenge America Fast-Track
grant in the amount of
$10,000 in December. The
money will support the North
Carolina Historically
Informed Practices Festival,
Handel and Haydn Society
Receives Gifts Totaling $2 Million
Boston-based Handel and Haydn Society recently received gifts
totaling $2 million to endow its chorus and educational programs. A
gift of $1 million from Jane and Wat Tyler will fund the society’s
chorus, and a gift of $1 million from Karen Levy will support the
Karen S. and George D. Levy Educational Outreach Program. These
milestone gifts are the largest in Society’s 198-year history and come
as the organization approaches its bicentennial in 2015 and prepares
for a campaign to fund new strategic initiatives and endowment.
Board chairman Nick Gleysteen said, “Wat Tyler and Karen Levy have
each given many years of service and support to Handel and Haydn.
These remarkable gifts are a testament to their leadership, passion, and
dedication, and will help support the artistic and education excellence
of H&H for many years to come.”
nalists for outstanding print,
Schola Antigua of Chicago, broadcast, and news media
a vocal ensemble specializing coverage of music. Anderson,
the artistic director of Schola
in music from before 1600,
Antigua of Chicago, was rechas received the 2012 Noah
ognized for his article “Fire,
Greenberg Award, given by
Foliage, and Fury: Vestiges of
the American Musicological
Society. The award recognizes Midsummer Ritual in Motets
for John the Baptist,” pubefforts between scholars and
performers to foster outstand- lished in the journal Early
ing contributions to historical Music History by Cambridge
performance practices. Schola University Press.
Harry Christophers, the
Antigua won for a proposal
titled “Sounding the Neuma- artistic director of Boston’s
Handel and Haydn Society,
tized Sequence.” With guidhas been awarded the title of
ance from University of OreCBE (Commander of the
gon music historian Lori
Order of the British Empire)
Kruckenberg, the group will
to honor his service to music.
record and archive a set of
The founder and conductor of
special liturgical sequences
the U.K.-based ensemble the
that feature melodies both
Sixteen, Christophers received
with and without words
his award during a December
(called “neumatized
13 ceremony at Buckingham
Michael Alan Anderson, an Palace in London.
The Rose Ensemble
assistant professor of musicology at the Eastman School of received first prize in both the
sacred and secular music catMusic, won the 2012 ASCAP
Deems Taylor Award, present- egories at the 44th Tolosa
Choral Contest (Certamen
ed annually by the American
Coral de Tolosa) in Spain last
Society of Composers,
fall. Based in St. Paul, MN,
Authors, and Publishers
(ASCAP) to authors and jour- the Rose Ensemble was the
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Early Music America Spring 2013
Editor's Note
Reader Forum
Sound Bytes
Profile: Peter Nothnagle Early Music Engineer
Musings: Best of the Year
Recording Reviews
"Skillful Singing" and the Prelude in Renaissance Italy
Almira: Handel's Fountain of Youth?
Tempesta di Mare: Making a Splash with Fasch
2013 Guide: Workshops & Festivals
What I Did at Summer Camp
Book Reviews
Ad Index
In Conclusion: Teaching Recitative in Mexico
Early Music America Spring 2013