Early Music America Spring 2013 - (Page 40)
2013 Workshops
GUIDE and Festivals
8 – 10 March Texas Early Music Festival, Houston, TX.
Ars Lyrica Houston, Houston Early Music, Da Camera
Houston, and Mercury will cooperate in presenting the
first Texas Early Music Festival. Repertoire includes: Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater (Mercury) with soprano Amanda
Forsythe and countertenor Tim Mead; Le Poéme Harmonique in “Venezia”; Acis & Galatea, directed by Tara
Faircloth, with soprano Blair Doerge, countertenor
Ryland Angel, tenor Derek Chester, baritone Michael
Kelly, and bass-baritone Timothy Jones. Classical 91.7
KUHA is the official media sponsor of the Festival.
FMI: www.MercuryHouston.org/Houston-BaroqueMarathon
4-7 April Continuo: The Art of Creative Collaboration,
Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA. Master classes, lectures, concerts and demonstrations. Featuring:
Gregory Crowell, Charlotte Mattax Moersch, Ed Parmentier, Byron Schenkman and Stephen Stubbs on
harpsichord/organ, with Amanda Forsythe, Pacific
Lutheran University’s Choir of the West, Ingrid
Matthews, Jennifer Rhyne, Svend Rønning and Douglas
Williams. FMI: www.westfield.org.
15 – 18 March Columbia Gorge Early Music Retreat,
Portland, OR. Ensemble classes for low intermediate to
advanced recorder players will range from Renaissance
consort music and Baroque to contemporary works
and music for double reeds and percussion. Viola da
gambas also welcome. Five faculty members ensure
small class sizes with personalized attention. Evening
events will include a faculty concert, English Country
Dance and madrigal singing. Note: The 2013 Retreat is
FULL to capacity! Please consider adding yourself to
the waiting list; email jeannelynch@gmail.com. Faculty/Performers: Vicki Boeckman, Gayle and Philip Neuman, Laura Kuhlman, Rotem Gilbert. FMI: Jeanne
Lynch, Columbia Gorge Early Music Retreat c/o Jeanne
Lynch, 1916 SE 29th Ave., Portland, OR 97214; tel:
503-234-2530; jeannelynch@gmail.com; http://
Descriptions of over 80 early music
workshops and festivals, both in
Europe and North America. Visit
www.earlymusic.org for the most
recent and updated listings.
Luc Olivier Merson (1846-1920).
The Dance of the Betrothed
(left panel of triptich)
Spring 2013 Early Music America
16 March Blue Heron Vocal Workshop, Cambridge,
MA. Sing music selected from this season’s programs,
under the direction of Scott Metcalfe, and learn something about how it might have been sung by its original performers. Faculty/Performers: Scott Metcalfe.
FMI: Gail Abbey, Blue Heron, PO Box 372, Ashland, MA
01721; tel: 617-960-7956; office@blueheronchoir.org;
29 March – 1 April National Easter Viol School (Australia) 2013, Brisbane, Australia. Viol players have met
at Easter in Australia continuously since 1979. In 2013
we are delighted to return to sunny Brisbane for Easter
and to welcome Mary Springfels to Australia. The
workshop is fully tutored, with four sessions per day.
All standards are catered for. Lunch and teas are
included in the fee. Players from outside Queensland
will be accommodated with local players during the
workshop, or can stay in hotels in the area if desired. In
2013 we will be welcoming Baroque string players to
the Viol School, to play in consorts and chamber music
as well as have a session on viols. A Tutor’s concert will
take place, probably on the Easter Sunday evening.
Faculty/Performers: Mary Springfels (viol), Polly Sussex
(viol), Michael O’Loghlin (viol), Patrice Connelly (beginner viols), Shannon Scheltema (viol), Margaret Caley
(Baroque violin). FMI: Patrice Connelly, Australian
Viola da Gamba Society Inc, QLD 4514 Australia;
tel: +61 7 5496 3439; patrice@saraband.com.au;
13 April Moss Bay Meet, Kirkland, WA. All-day playing
for recorder players of all levels. Music starts at 10 am,
with a fabulous potluck lunch at noon, then continues
until 5 pm. Faculty/Performers: Sally Mitchell, Larry
Stark, and more lead playing sessions. FMI: Sally
Mitchell, Moss Bay Recorder Society, tel: 206-3283381; salmitch@earthlink.net;
19 – 21 April Baldwin Wallace Bach Festival, Berea,
OH. 2013 marks the 81st year of BW’s annual Bach
Festival. This year’s festival celebrates the music of J.S.
Bach and his contemporaries with three days of concerts and events. Faculty/Performers: Sherezade Panthaki, soprano; Meg Bragle, mezzo-soprano; Thomas
Cooley, tenor; Christopheren Nomura, bass; Balint
Karosi, organ; Markus Rathey, lecturer; Dwight Oltman,
Festival Music Director; Dirk Garner, Festival Choral
Director; Steven Gross, Bach Service Director; John Brndiar, Festival Brass Director. FMI: Erika Haskell, Conservatory Event Coordinator, Baldwin Wallace University,
Merner Pfeiffer #239, 49 Seminary St, Berea, OH
44017; tel: 440-826-8070; bachfest@bw.edu; www.
22 April – 22 May Virginia Arts Festival, Portsmouth &
Norfolk, VA. Performing arts events of all kinds. Early
music events include REBEL on April 22 and Bach’s Bminor mass by Juilliard415, Yale Schola Cantorum, and
Yale Baroque Ensemble on April 28. FMI: Virginia Arts
Festival; fcombs@vafest.org;
7 – 29 April Winds and Waves Recorder Workshop,
Otis, OR. Come work on a wide variety of recorder
music from the past and present under the guidance
of an internationally renowned faculty. Winds and
Waves, founded by the Oregon Coast Recorder Society,
offers graded technique and repertoire classes, plus
general “grand consort” sessions. Workshop tuition
includes a faculty concert on Friday evening, April 26.
Faculty/Performers: Frances Blaker, Letitia Berlin, Cléa
Galhano, Louise Carslake. FMI: Jennifer Sibara, Interim
Program Manager, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology;
founded by the Oregon Coast Recorder Society,
56605 Sitka Drive, Otis, OR 97368; tel: 541-994-5485;
fax: 541-994-8024; info@sitkacenter.org;
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Early Music America Spring 2013
Editor's Note
Reader Forum
Sound Bytes
Profile: Peter Nothnagle Early Music Engineer
Musings: Best of the Year
Recording Reviews
"Skillful Singing" and the Prelude in Renaissance Italy
Almira: Handel's Fountain of Youth?
Tempesta di Mare: Making a Splash with Fasch
2013 Guide: Workshops & Festivals
What I Did at Summer Camp
Book Reviews
Ad Index
In Conclusion: Teaching Recitative in Mexico
Early Music America Spring 2013