Early Music America Spring 2013 - (Page 57)
A look at three programs offering beginning viol to kids
ree” from Telemann’s suite for viola da
gamba and orchestra (played on treble
viol). We had a total of 18 youth participating at this event, which ended with a
final concert for family and friends. We
plan to offer another Youth Early Music
Day this summer.
I also teach a Renaissance Band class
year-round for viol and recorder students, and one of my summer camp
Beginning Viol and Renaissance Band
students has recently joined the ensemble. After three summers of tasting the
JULIE ELHARD: Every summer, the
Saint Paul Conservatory of Music offers a viola da gamba and Renaissance music,
two-week summer camp for kids ages 5 she’s hooked!
to 12. I’ve taught a beginner’s gamba
class the past four summers at this camp ROLAND HUTCHINSON: In the summer of 2011, I was invited to give lecand usually have around five kids rangture-demonstrations at the Chamber
ing in ages from 6 to 11 in the group
class. The kids rent the viols for the two- Music Institute put on by the American
String Teachers Association of New Jerweek period, practice at home what
sey. It’s a two-week camp for string
they’ve learned at camp, and then perplayers ages 13 to 18 held each August
form in a student concert at the end of
camp. They explore how to hold the viol at Kean University. With my group,
the Cisraritanian Consort of Viols, we
and use the bow and get acquainted
performed, talked, and had a brief
with the sounds of the Renaissance.
hands-on session for the students. InterTo entice a few more young people
est in the viol was piqued, so this suminto early music, we added a “Renaismer I was asked back to teach a daily
sance Band” class during camp for the
beginning viol class during the afternoon
past two years. This mixed ensemble
elective period for both weeks of camp. I
class has included viols, recorders, viohad 10 kids each week who met one
lin, flute and guitars. I arrange some of
hour a day for five days. Each Thursday
my favorite Renaissance tunes for the
afternoon is elective switch day, so those
In August 2012, I organized a “Youth sessions brought in a fresh set of 10
Early Music Day” at the Saint Paul Con- kids, who got a one-hour trial session.
Forty young musicians were exposed to
servatory of Music. The Conservatory
viola da gamba at CMI this summer.
has offered an Early Music Day for the
I provided all the viols used in this
past five years, but it has been difficult
course from my collection, but we were a
to attract very many young players to
bit bass heavy for the consort playing.
this event. Having a youth-only early
music event made this opportunity more The students made a great deal of
attractive to young people. We were able progress during the week, and, with outside help from VdGSA members Lucine
to hire Mary Halvorson Waldo to teach
recorder, and Cléa Galhano led a youth
Both EMA and the VdGSA offer a
Baroque orchestra. The recorder stuvariety of grants to support outreach
dents played solo and ensemble reperand workshops:
toire, and there were also two five-yearEMA: www.earlymusic.org/education/
old beginners. The Baroque Orchestra
featured one of my viola da gamba stuVdGSA: www.vdgsa.org/pgs/grants.html
dents playing “La Trompette” and “Bour-
This past summer, several members of the
Viola da Gamba Society of America were
involved in summer music courses where
young people were able to explore playing
viola da gamba. Below are reports from
Julie Elhard, Roland Hutchinson, and Scott
Mason about “viol trials” they ran or participated in. Innovative approaches and
new ideas for reaching out to young people
are welcomed by both VdGSA and EMA.
—Lisa Terry
Jimmy, a member of the viola da gamba
class taught by Julie Elhard at Saint Paul
Conservatory of Music’s summer camp.
and Marine Musaelian and Ryan Gallagher, were able to perform “Pavane
d’Angleterre” by Claude Gervaise, the
Tallis Canon, and Ortiz recercars at the
final concert.
Two young campers continued working with me on viol after the summer
course at CMI, and both were angling to
get viols this year for Christmas. Another
student moved on to Yale where she continues playing viol with Ros Morley.
Plans are proceeding apace for next
summer’s sessions.
SCOTT MASON: For the second year, a
Viol Consort Initiative (VCI) was included as part of the annual Summer Chamber Music Festival at the University of
San Diego (a camp for instrumentalists
ages 8 to adult), held in early July.
Organized by Lisa Terry at the invitation
of Angela Yeung, VCI provides adult
viol-playing participants with intensive
consorts and master classes in a
Early Music America Spring 2013
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Early Music America Spring 2013
Editor's Note
Reader Forum
Sound Bytes
Profile: Peter Nothnagle Early Music Engineer
Musings: Best of the Year
Recording Reviews
"Skillful Singing" and the Prelude in Renaissance Italy
Almira: Handel's Fountain of Youth?
Tempesta di Mare: Making a Splash with Fasch
2013 Guide: Workshops & Festivals
What I Did at Summer Camp
Book Reviews
Ad Index
In Conclusion: Teaching Recitative in Mexico
Early Music America Spring 2013