Early Music America Summer 2013 - (Page 16)
Historic Music by Women
More than 80 titles in print!
More than 40 composers!
Christopher Jackson
The conductor reflects on 40 years of early music in Montreal
Arias, Cantatas,
Concertos, Lieder,
Oratorios, Sinfonias,
Sonatas, Songs
(English, French and Italian)
Website: clarnan.com
Email: clarnan@sbcglobal.net
Call for catalogue: 479-442-7414
Dr. Barbara Garvey Jackson
Editor & Publisher
235 East Baxter Lane
Fayetteville, AR 72701
“The Rose and the Thorn:
Contrasts in Music of Earlier Times”
Early Music Week
June 27—July 4, 2013
beautiful music under the trees
Plymouth, MA
viol, violin, voice,
plucked strings,
Renaissance winds,
historical & English
country dance
Country Dance & Song Society
Summer 2013 Early Music America
at a pretty basic level. But there was
ancienne de
plenty of enthusiasm.”
Montreal will be celebrating its 40th
He believes Montreal was also the
anniversary in 2014, and it took them
right place for an early music revival.
almost that long to book their first
concert in the United States. The March “It’s an interesting city and open to new
2013 event took place in Carnegie Hall’s initiatives,” Jackson explained. “There is
Weill Recital Hall.
a strong contemporary music scene, and
The program featured Orlando di
the tendency, both then and now, is to
Lasso’s heartbreaking and dark Lagrime
see the same people coming to early
di San Pietro. It’s not
music concerts and to
performed often,
contemporary music
because “it’s so hard,”
founder and director
Back in 1974, audiChristopher Jackson
ences in Montreal had
admitted. “It goes
not heard much live early
deeply into all the psyvocal music. But Jackson
chological ramifications
and his colleagues were
of the glance of Christ,
convinced there was an
and Lasso brings that
audience for it and they
out in the music in
were right. Studio de
strange ways that are
musique’s first concert,
not necessarily obvious.
at the Chapel of the
It takes a lot of work to
Grand Seminaire,
“This guy just looked
put it together, but it’s
at me and said, ‘Don’t was full.
While the public was
bother with it, you’ll
In establishing his
enthusiastic, the Montrenever get it right.’”
vocal ensemble, Jackson
al music establishment
—Christopher Jackson was not. “The violinists
helped give birth to the
vibrant early music
were discouraged from
scene in Montreal. Four decades later,
playing Baroque violin; the voice teachers didn’t want the singers to work with
he’s thinking about how to make sure
us,” he said. “In those days, the real
this legacy continues.
An organist and harpsichordist, Jack- resistance didn’t come from the public.
son was introduced to early music at the It came from our colleagues.
“I remember going to one American
Conservatoire de musique du Québec,
where he was a student of influential
Musicological Society convention in
teachers and early music pioneers KenMontreal,” he recalled, “where I talked
neth Gilbert and Bernard Lagacé. He
to somebody about doing Monteverdi.
and a group of fellow students, includThis guy just looked at me and said,
ing Hélène Dugal and Réjean Poirier,
‘Don’t bother with it, you’ll never get
were in Paris for Christmas in 1973 and
it right.’”
decided they needed to do something to
Fortunately, a large number of people
bring the beautiful music they were
ignored that advice, and the early music
studying to a wider audience. “We came scene in Montreal grew quickly. There
back and started pulling people togethare now more than 15 early music
er,” Jackson said, “most of whom were
groups in Montreal. The growth was
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Early Music America Summer 2013
Editor's Note
Reader Forum
Sound Bytes
Profile: Christopher Jackson
Musings: When the Music Becomes Ours
Recording Reviews
Early Music, 21st-Century Style
The Indigenous Musicians of Cuzco
Bird Quills, the Art of Touch, and Other Pleasures
Pallade Musica: A Swift Rise, All'Italiana
Book Reviews
Ad Index
In Conclusion: Finding "Local Content" in the Music of New Spain
Early Music America Summer 2013