Early Music America Winter 2013 - (Page 17)
By Thomas Forrest Kelly
Guntram Wolf
Modern and historic wind instruments
Time Traveling with Instruments
a sympathetic article
want to understand how it works."
by Corinna de Fonseca-Wollheim in
All of these fine players are switch-hitThe New York Times (Aug. 30; see page 11) ters: they have day jobs on their modern
about the potential of period stringed
instruments. There are those who feel
instruments. What it really was about
that real mastery of a Baroque instruwas how well-known players of the
ment-or of any instrument-requires
modernized versions discovered these
exclusivity. Surely, somebody who pracinstruments. It was not, for example,
tices and plays nothing but Baroque will
about the many perhave a stronger, more
Putting period
formers who play regularly
assured technique and
on period instruments or
instruments into the style than a part-timer.
whose profession is to
Well, maybe so. That
hands of talented
play them or about the
sounds like one of those
musicians always
many modern pioneers
seems to have the
who spent many long
remarks once attributed
effect of opening a by journalists to members
hours figuring out how
lock, of letting music of the exclusive "early
they work and what they
have to teach us about
out from somewhere. music movement" but
early repertoire.
so seldom actually said
Many of the discoveries newly made
by the real lovers and practitioners of
in this article by Carter Brey, Johnny
early music.
Gandelsman, Matt Haimovitz, and othReally, we should rejoice that musiers, had been made long ago by Anner
cians everywhere are taking this music
Bylsma, Sigiswald Kuijken, and others.
seriously; it is they who are making the
music. They bring their artistry and their
But that wasn't the point. The point
was that putting these instruments, and imagination to the instrument, and try,
as we all do, to find how best to make
their music, into the hands of talented
the music beautiful. They discover that
musicians always seems to have the
effect of opening a lock, of letting music these instruments have much to teach
out from somewhere. Of course, it's not about the music they are playing.
"Now I'm embracing the human
the instrument making the music; it's
aspect of it," said Matt Haimovitz, "how
the musician. There's a story, usually
alive these strings are and how much like
told about Heifetz, where an admirer
breathing. It opens up for me a whole
comes backstage and says, "Your violin
sounds extraordinary tonight, Maestro." spectrum of color and possibilities."
The superb cellist Matt Haimovitz is a
And Heifetz holds the instrument up to
his ear and says, "I don't hear anything." special case for me, since I've known
Most classical music-making, whether him since he was an undergraduate. He
met his wife, the composer Luna Pearl
on period instruments or not, is time
Woolf, in a course I taught on Medieval
travel. We are allowed to hear the
and Renaissance instrumental music.
thoughts and feelings of someone
besides ourselves from a different place
They later confessed they held hands
and time. It brings the past to the presunder the seminar table. It may be
ent in an amazing, real-time way. And
that studying early music has more
when the instrument itself comes from
advantages than we realize.
the music's time, it stands to reason that
less translation is required.
Thomas Forrest Kelly is a professor of music
at Harvard University and a board member
Mr. Gandelsman put it very well: "I
and past president of Early Music America.
do it because I love the music, and I
North American contact:
Henry Skolnick Imports
7477 Hoover Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63117
(314) 302-1078
Early Music America
Winter 2013
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Early Music America Winter 2013
Editor's Note
Reader Forum
Sound Bytes
Musings: Time Traveling with Instruments
Profile: Pure Gold: Beiliang Zhu
Recording Reviews
Let's put on a... Zarzuela!
A Banquet of Music 40 Years in the Serving
Honoring Krebs
Book Reviews
Ad Index
In Conclusion: Dido and Aeneas Reconsidered
Early Music America Winter 2013