Early Music America Summer 2014 - (Page 25)
By James Richman
"The downfall of opera
causes the downfall of
the very essence of music."
-Johann Mattheson
Baroque Opera
and Historical
A Reconsideration
of historically
informed performance (HIP) has a
lot more prestige, nicer paychecks, a raft
of university positions, and overall more
acceptance than ever before. In The End
of Early Music (Oxford, 2007), Bruce
Haynes confirmed that, although
the field is mature and needs some
redefining, things are mostly just fine.
But is this really so? Considering the
state of the HIP field in the 1980s and
what one might have reasonably projected for the future at that point, I find
the situation today to be disappointing.
The overall level and quality of HIP
has improved, but what technical
improvements have occurred are overshadowed by the loss of philosophical
inspiration and the onset of cultural
amnesia. What has been lost, in both
practical and philosophical terms,
is the grand vision of revivifying the
glorious music of the 17th and 18th
centuries, and the most obvious symptom of this decline is in the field of
opera, which was always understood
as the pinnacle of musical culture in
any period.
I would point out these major
Inspiration for the movement. The
"why" behind HIP has become almost
irrelevant. The idea of realizing the
expressive meaning of the music from
this extremely literate and intellectual
period in Western history was exhilarating. The excitement surrounding the fact
that we might actually be able to re-create the sound and meaning of Baroque
and Classic music was only the surface
of something much bigger. At the outset
of this quest, we were trying to get to the
real point behind some of the greatest
music in human history while they were
just trying to make careers. This distinction is largely lost.
Historical awareness within the field.
Internet history, which is the only kind
of history for many people today, is in
effect written by various publicity departments and doesn't begin to give a realistic idea of what was actually going on
during the development of HIP decades
ago. Aesthetic issues that were then considered of crucial importance are hardly
mentioned today, whereas before there
was enough audience, enough criticism
and writing, and enough funding to create a meaningful conversation. Today's
audiences know much less, criticism is
ever more bizarre, funding has dried up,
recording is moribund, and many young
people in the field are unaware that the
universities used to sponsor extensive
classical concert series, or that public
radio was once predominantly classical
The decline in Baroque opera. By comparison with today, the 1980s were truly
a Golden Age of opera on period instruments, HIP performances led by pioneering figures in the field were put on regularly by major festivals, while a plethora
of smaller but significant offerings were
happening all over. But by the 2002-03
season, Paris/Versailles had but two
evenings of staged Baroque work all season, and one, the Lully ballet Le triomphe
de l'Amour, had but a single solo dance
before intermission. The 2014 Rameau
year celebration in France lists a few versions de concert, but no staged work
besides marionette theater and parodies.
The Paris Opera recently removed a
prominent early music conductor from
one of its productions when the orchestra insisted to management that it
was all too likely that she would be
unable to achieve performances
without major accidents.
Early Music America
Summer 2014
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Early Music America Summer 2014
Editor's Note
Reader Forum
Sound Bytes
Musings: The Force of Opinion
Recording Reviews
Baroque Opera and Historical Performance: A Reconsideration
Underestimating Turk
Our Disappearing LP Legacy
Living and Breathing Early Music, the Ukrainian Way
Ars Longa and the Festival Esteban Salas
Book Reviews
Ad Index
In Conclusion: The Flauto Dolce Heralds a Welcome Entrance into Heaven
Early Music America Summer 2014