Early Music America Fall 2014 - (Page 14)
By Thomas Forrest Kelly
Ave Atque Vale
N 1973 I found myself looking for two
roots. He served for many years as editor
recorder players for a performance of
of American Recorder, which allowed
Purcell's ode "Come, Ye Sons of Art,"
him to continue his passion for his
which I had proposed as part of a
instrument and to exercise his editorial
concert to complement "Ipswich 17th
and literary skills. He served also on the
Century Day," a celebration of the many steering committee and board of direcearly houses in Ipswich, Massachusetts. tors of Early Music America in our early
As it happened, Bernard Krainis was
years, bringing the Mellon Foundation's
giving an advanced course at the New
period orchestra program to EMA. His
England Conservatory,
wide experience was enorand we were able to
mously useful for the
Ben has led EMAg
recruit two very fine
young organization. I
from strength to
players participating in the
remember his serving as
strength, guided
workshop: one was
treasurer and using a newby his deep
Charles P Coldwell (now
ly devised functional
married to Early Music
budget layout to report a
America's distinguished
perilous financial situaof music and of
former executive director
early music's place tion; he then sat back
Maria Coldwell), and the
with what looked suspiin the world.
other was a young fellow
ciously like a satisfied
named Benjamin Dunham,
smile. The smile was, I
who is now, after 12 years, editing his
think, designed to make us realize that
last of many issues of this fine magazine. the treasurer's job was to provide good
You hold it in your hands.
and actionable management informaBen was a good player back then, and tion, but not, as perhaps the board
he continued his skill as a performer and hoped, to solve all the organization's
his love of the recorder, playing with the financial problems. (I am happy to
report that EMA is now on a sound
Washington Consort and the Handel
Festival Orchestra in Kennedy Center. He fiscal basis, thanks in large part to the
commitment and support of its
did many other things as well, and so
our paths crossed for years. After stints
Twelve years ago Ben was appointed
in music administration with the Music
editor of this magazine, and he has led it
Educators National Conference (as it
from strength to strength, guided by his
was then) and the American Symphony
deep understanding of music and of earOrchestra League (as it was then), he
ly music's place in the world, and by his
became the first executive director of
own deep good sense and sound literary
Chamber Music America, where he
judgment. We are lucky to have had his
helped design the Paul Foundation's
well-known residency program and nur- leadership for such a long time, and we
tured the first early music consortium in owe him a great debt of thanks. He has
New York City (of which EMA is an out- been a leader, a visionary, and a good
friend. May he continue in all those
growth). After getting CMA off the
ground, Ben served as CEO of both the
American Symphony Orchestra in
Carnegie Hall and the U.S. National
Thomas Forrest Kelly is a professor of music
at Harvard University and a board member
Music Council.
But he never strayed far from his real and past president of Early Music America.
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Fall 2014 Early Music America
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Early Music America Fall 2014
Editor’s Note
Baroque Competition
Sound Bytes
Musings: Ave Atque Vale
Musings: Ave Atque Vale
Recording Reviews
Recording Reviews
Aetas Aurea: An Early Music Macbeth
Aetas Aurea: An Early Music Macbeth
Mysterious Titles, Hidden Meaning
Mysterious Titles, Hidden Meaning
Viola da Gamba Dojo
Viola da Gamba Dojo
A Joyful Noise: Highlights of BFX 2014
A Joyful Noise: Highlights of BFX 2014
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
EMA Donations
EMA Donations
Ad Index
Ad Index
In Conclusion: Sam Franko and the Origins of the Early Music Movement
In Conclusion: Sam Franko and the Origins of the Early Music Movement
Early Music America Fall 2014