Mid-Continent Instruments P RO D U C T LINE EXPANSION! Mid-Continent Instruments’ new products include the MD15 and MD25 series Airspeed Indicators, 4200 and 4300 series Attitude Indicators, 3300 Series Directional Gyros and their full line of Clocks, CDIs and Turn Coordinators. The new products comply with AS9100 Aerospace Standards that exceed stringent FAA certifications. Mid-Continent Instruments’ high quality products are designed and built in the USA. Dallas Avionics, Inc. continues to be a reliable distributor of Mid-Continent Instruments’ products including the MD41 series Annunciators Control Units, Emergency Power Supplies, and Inverter products. Contact your Dallas Avionics’ sales representative today for more information. 800-527-2581 Fax 214-320-1057 dallasavionics.comhttp://www.dallasavionics.com