Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 6

lead to lower input costs and helps prevent nutrient
runoff or leaching into waterways and
groundwater because it is used in more targeted
amounts over multiple applications, rather than
one large application. We are excited to offer this
innovative policy that benefits the environment
and producers' bottom lines.
RMA also provided premium support for
producers who planted cover crops to help offset
impacts from the pandemic and updated
the policy to allow producers with crop insurance
to hay, graze or chop cover crops at any
time and still receive 100 percent of the prevented
planting payment. This policy change
supports use of cover crops, which is a key
part of promoting climate smart agriculture.
Q: How do you see your unique background
of working for FSA, as a crop insurance
agent, and as a farmer help you as you lead
the agency?
Bunger: As a farmer I ask myself, does this
decision make sense? Farming is complex,
a lot of hard work, and takes a considerable
amount of capital and human resources. I always
try to consider if I have enough resources
to pay for my inputs, if the return on my
investment is profitable, and if I have the capacity
to accomplish all that needs to be done.
As a crop insurance agent, it was very important
to not oversell to customers and that
they understood what their premium dollars
were going to cover. This involved establishing
a relationship with the customer to better understand
what their operation's risks were, so
in the event of a catastrophic weather event,
their operation could sustain the loss to then
be able to farm another year.
While working at FSA, I gained the necessary
knowledge to comprehend regulations
needed to administer programs while ensuring
program integrity was maintained. The
responsibility of spending taxpayer dollars
was always top of mind. I'll use all this gained
experience and knowledge as I lead RMA.
Q: In addressing the audiences of this
publication, is there anything you want to
highlight or say specifically to each group-
agents, adjusters, congress?
Bunger: I would ask agents to know their
customer's operations, so they can explain
what the best options are to manage the risks
unique to their specific operations. I would
also remind agents as they explain to cus6
Marsha Bunger was a County Executive Director for USDA's Farm Service
Agency (FSA) for 18 years. In total, she has over 25 years of experience
working for USDA in the Farm Service Agency. In her role as County Executive
Director, Bunger worked closely with Pine Ridge Tribal Government leaders
and personnel to administer FSA programs on the second largest land based
Indian Reservation in the U.S. She served 15 years on the South Dakota
Advisory Council to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and previously
held positions at Farm Credit Services of America, including Crop Insurance
Specialist and Crop Insurance Officer. Recently, she founded an agriculture
consulting limited liability company providing assistance to area farmers &
ranchers and to work with a local crop insurance agency selling and servicing
crop insurance policies. Bunger is also the owner and operator of a 2000acre,
family-owned farm in South Dakota. Bunger graduated cum laude and
received her bachelor's degree from Augustana College (South Dakota). She
will be the first person who is a member of the Asian American and Pacific
Islander community and the first woman to serve as Administrator for RMA.
tomers that crop insurance is a way to mitigate
losses, it can be used as a marketing tool
as well.
I would tell adjusters to always remember
that you are at the heart of maintaining
the integrity of crop insurance. By following
RMA standards, when there are losses and indemnities
to be paid, the American public will
always view crop insurance as having a high
level of integrity.
I would ask Congress to keep in mind that
the number of farmers and ranchers continues
to shrink, and that the number of people in
this country that need food continues to grow.
As a result, farmers and ranchers will always
need our support through legislation to continue
to sustain and provide the safest and
most abundant food supply.
Q: There are many new products being introduced
by RMA, is there a specific product
or coverage that you would like to see
offered to farmers that isn't already being
Bunger: I would like to see improved subsidy
levels for small operations that only have
eligibility for a basic/optional unit structure.
Q: The Administration's focus on improving
access to USDA programs for all farmers is
very important. How do you see RMA and
the crop insurance industry improving its
outreach to all growers?
Bunger: We can improve by collaborating
and working together to brainstorm the best
ways to reach all growers, so that no one is left
behind and all growers have access to the best
risk management tools available. Under Secretary
Vilsack's leadership, USDA is working
to build programming inclusive to all our customers.
We've actively sought out opportunities
that help ensure historically underserved
groups can more fully access and participate
in programs and services.
In July, RMA invested nearly $1 million
in funding for universities and nonprofits to
develop risk management training and educational
tools aimed to assist historically underserved
farmers and ranchers. In previous
years, RMA provided annual funding for risk
management education projects, supporting
more than $126 million worth of projects in
historically underserved communities from
2002 to 2018. This year's investment marks a
restart of this effort.
Thank you to Administrator Bunger for
taking the time to share your views with us.
The industry looks forward to working with
you and your staff as we continue to provide
effective risk management tools for America's
farmers and ranchers.

Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021

Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - Cover1
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - Cover2
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 1
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 2
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 3
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 4
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 5
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 6
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 7
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 8
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 9
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 10
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 11
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 12
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 13
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 14
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 15
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 16
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 17
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 18
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 19
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 20
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 21
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 22
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 23
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 24
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 25
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 26
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 27
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 28
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 29
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 30
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 31
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - 32
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - Cover3
Crop Insurance Today Fourth Quarter 2021 - Cover4