CropInsurance TODAY
Insurable Crops
Location & Plans
The following pages contain a list of all federally subsidized insurable crops, what states they are insurable in, under
what plan(s) of insurance, and the number of counties where
they are insurable. Please note this information is current as
of December 3, 2013. Changes are constantly occurring in the
crop insurance program and you should contact your crop
insurance agent for the most up-to-date information.
The numbers in the matrix refer to specific insurances
plans by the plan number as identified by the Risk Management Agency (RMA). A number containing a dash indicates
that the crop is not insurable in every county in the state. The
number following the dash represents the number of counties
in that state the crop is insurable under the plan of insurance
indicated by the number before the dash. For example, the
code 01-16 means that specific crop is insurable under the
Yield Protection (YP) plan of insurance in sixteen counties in
the state. If the number does not contain a dash, it is insurable
in every county in the state. A number including (P) indicates
a pilot program.
01 = YP-Yield Protection
02 = RP-Revenue Protection
03 = RPHPE-Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion
04 = AYP-Area Yield Protection
05 = ARP-Area Revenue Protection
06 = ARP-HPE-Area Revenue Protection-Harvest Price Exclusion
13 = RI-Rainfall Index
14 = VI-Vegetation Index
40 = TDO-Tree Based Dollar Amount of Insurance
41 = PRV-Pecan Revenue
43 = AQDOL-Aquaculture Dollar
47 = ARH-Actual Revenue History
50 = DO-Dollar Amount of Insurance
51 = FD-Fixed Dollar
55 = YDO-Yield Based Dollar Amount of Insurance
61 = AGR-L-Adjusted Gross Revenue-Lite
63 = AGR-Adjusted Gross Revenue
81 = LRP-Livestock Risk Protection
82 = LGM-Livestock Gross Margin
90 = APH-Actual Production History
Pilot Option Rate Programs
CP = Contract Pricing
CV = Comprehensive Tree Value
QE = Quarantine Endorsement
PY = Personal T Yield
NS = Stage Removal
PO = Price Endorsement Option
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Crop Insurance Today February 2014