Crop Insurance Today February 2015 - (Page 30)
Art says, "Every time I visit a field, I have
two goals in mind: make the most accurate adjustment; and make sure the farmer
feels that he can rely on my judgment."
To reach this goal, "It's very important
that you clearly explain the procedures
and how you came up with the loss adjustment total," describes Art. Presenting
these steps provides the farmer with an
understanding as to how the loss was determined. Art's appreciation for the producer is repaid with equal gratitude when
he takes the extra time to help his clients.
From each visit, Art is one-step closer to
a stronger relationship with the farmer. This
is important to Art, because it is the reason
he started adjusting in the first place.
"I always enjoyed visiting with my crop
adjuster when he came out to my farm. He
kept bringing up how he thought I would
make a great adjuster," tells Art, "I knew
how much he had helped my farm operation, and I wanted to be able to do the
same for others. I finally made the call and
have loved my job ever since."
It is not uncommon to find an adjuster
like Art-one who has a passion for helping his community. But what is exceptional about him is, despite the fact that he
must cover at least three different states at
a time, being able to serve and contribute
to agriculture is all Art asks for in return.
"Just like any job, there are trying
times. But overall I enjoy my job, because
I know that I am able to help the farmer,"
explains Art.
Adjusters are the face of crop insurance, and make a direct impact on the
perception of the industry. Besides their
agent, a client will spend most of their
time working with an adjuster when unfortunate weather strikes. It is important
to remember, "This is not only a business,
but a livelihood. They [farmers] need to be
reassured that they won't lose what is very
close and personal to them," notes Art.
How an adjuster interacts with a client will
not go unnoticed or forgotten and that's a
crucial point as to why crop insurance will
always need adjusters like Art.
From developing a dedicated relationship, to mentoring farmers about procedures, Art brings a positive impact on crop
insurance every day.
CropInsurance TODAY
In Memory Mike Felt
Myron Kenneth "Mike" Felt passed away
on November 19, 2014. He was born in
Wakefield, Nebraska, on Aug. 20, 1928, to
Anna Froid Felt and Arthur Felt. He was the
youngest in a family of four sons brought up
at home in a Christian environment. Raised
on a farm, Mike learned from the time he
could walk how to work hard. He lived in
Nebraska, attended Wakefield High School,
and then enlisted and proudly served in the
Marine Corps.
Mike moved to Great Falls in the early
1950s, while working for the Home Insurance
Company. He was introduced to the love of
his life, Patty Lou Christensen, in 1955, by her
father, a competitor of Mike's in the insurance
industry. When Mike finally got his courage
up to ask Patty out, they never looked back.
Mike and Patty had two beloved children,
Stephen Mathew and Nancy Ann, both born
in Great Falls. Mike started Crop Hail Management and built it into the largest crop
insurance managing general agency in the
United States. In the early '80s Mike created
National Flood. One of Mike's most notable
achievements was to help garner Congressional support for the passage of the Federal
Crop Insurance Act of 1980. He led the formation of the American Association of Crop
Insurers and served as its first chairman for
several years.
While living in Great Falls, Mike and Patty discovered Flathead Lake and the village
of Bigfork. In 1963, they purchased a house
on the East Shore and the dream began. After
spending their summers on the lake, they decided to make it their full-time home in 1968.
Mike always had the spirit of an entrepreneur
and as he drove through the farms on Holt
Drive, he envisioned a golf course there. And
so, in 1979, he took the first steps to achieving
that dream and purchased the land that would
later become the first nine holes of Eagle Bend
Golf Course. He and Patty taught their children generosity by often participating and
contributing to the community of Bigfork.
Mike had a sharp business acumen and served
on many local and national boards.
He was a leader in the community, a mentor to many and known for his giant, healing
hugs. Mike and Patty were active members of
the Bethany Lutheran Church in Bigfork. He
loved the lake, hiking and Glacier Park. Mike
enjoyed skiing until the year he and Patty
both broke their legs on King's Hill. Of course,
he was known as a golfer, famous for his holein-one that cost him five shots. Besides being
an avid fan, he was an armchair offensive coordinator for the San Francisco 49ers.
Mike adored his children, but his grandchildren filled his life with joy. He made certain they all knew he loved them, and how
important each one was to him. All of Mike's
children and grandchildren attended Bigfork
High School. His family has created a Scholarship Fund in his memory.
Mike is survived by his beloved wife, Patty
Lou; his daughter Nancy Felt Mahlum, sonin-law Doug Mahlum, grandsons, Bridger
Loyd and Colter Paul; his son Stephen Felt,
daughter-in-law Jana Felt, granddaughters
Sadie Lou and Hadley Kay, grandson Michael
Levi Felt, Levi's mother, Mary Felt Revercomb; and his nieces and nephews to whom
he was a hero. In addition, he leaves behind
many, many friends who will miss him dearly.
A memorial service was held on December 5, 2014. Contributions to the MK Felt
Scholarship Fund can be sent to Rocky Mountain Bank, P.O. Box 1440, Bigfork, MT 59911,
or contact Nancy Felt Mahlum at
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Crop Insurance Today February 2015
A Work in Progress
Whole-Farm Revenue Protection
2014 A Year of Involvement
NCIS Agricultural Research & Technology Program
Crop Insurance In Action: Art Wiebelhaus, Fordyce, Nebraska
In Memory Mike Felt
In Memory Irl Oaks, Jr.
Insurable Crops Location & Plans
FFA Proficiency Winner
Crop Insurance Today February 2015