Crop Insurance Today May 2013 - (Page 42)
Cover Crops
• provide soil erosion control
• absorb and retain/recycle nutrients
• protect water quality
• maintain and/or improve soil organic
matter content
By Dr. Mark Zarnstorff, NCIS
Crop production has taken many different
twists and turns over the past decade or two. We
have seen a rise in the use of transgenic crops that
help control insects and weeds. We have seen an
increase in the use of conservation tillage with
some producers adopting a no-till approach to
crop production. We have also seen the adoption
of high technology use with yield monitors, variable rate seeding and fertilizer and pesticide application.
The most recent change is the use of cover
crops in crop production. The questions many
people have are what are “cover crops” and why
are farmers starting to use them.
Cover Crops–
A Simple Definition
What is a cover crop? The simplest definition
of a “cover crop” is a crop that is grown on the
field during a time of year when the primary
crop is not being grown. The primary crops
grown in a large area of the U.S. are corn and
soybeans, which are seeded in early spring, grow
throughout the summer and are harvested in
mid- to late autumn. This leaves the late autumn,
winter, and early spring with no growing crop in
the soil. This time period can be when a fair
amount of the yearly precipitation total occurs
and because of this there is a great potential for
soil erosion, both by water and wind, if there is
not enough stubble or other types of residue covering the soil surface.
The use of cover crops is not really new; in
fact cover crops have been used throughout
the world for quite some time. There are many
advantages that can be gained by the use of
cover crops:
• maintain and improve soil structure
• fix atmospheric nitrogen
• provide weed control
• provide forage
Let’s look closer at the various benefits. The
first I have already mentioned - prevent soil erosion. This is very important in areas where there
is a fair amount of relieve or roll to the land. The
other factor is that a good amount of moisture
occurs during the period when the primary crop
is not being grown. Crop residue provides a good
way to reduce soil erosion; however, there are
many times that there is very little crop residue
left after harvest such as when corn is harvested
as silage, after soybean harvest, when corn stalks
or wheat straw are harvested for biomass/ethanol
and straw board production or used as animal
feed or bedding. The removal of the residue
leaves the soil surface vulnerable to water and
wind erosion. The use of a cover crop may provide cover for the soil surface as well as root
growth that will keep the soil from moving during the times before planting of the major crop
the next season.
The next two benefits are similar to soil erosion prevention. The nutrients that are applied
for crop production are not all removed when the
crop is harvested. This is especially true of phosphorus and nitrogen in the form of nitrates.
Cover crops capture or “scavenge” excess nitrogen and keep nitrogen from reaching the ground
water or running off with surface water. This is
the case in areas such as the East Coast where
much of the crop production areas are near rivers
that eventually flow into the various bays of the
oceans. Nitrogen and phosphorus can be leached
or lost from soil erosion resulting in a major potential for water quality problems. When the nutrients are scavenged they are available for the
subsequent crop.
Soil organic matter is an important factor in
crop production. The increased use of burning
fossil fuels has increased the CO2 of the atmosphere and one of the ways greenhouse gasses can
be decreased is by “capturing” it in plants. The
plant takes in CO2 as part of the photosynthesis
cycle and uses that as the building blocks of the
sugars that becomes the plant. The more plant
material that can be produced results in more
soil organic matter. This is also part of the recycling of the nutrients that we touched on above.
The soil organic matter, along with the humic
acids that are part of the breakdown of the plant
matter, are the “glues” that improve the soil structure. The improvement of soil structure allows
for greater infiltration of water into the soil, so
that more water can be stored in the soil and less
will be lost due to water going over the surface of
the soil.
The fixing of atmospheric nitrogen is a
major source of nitrogen for many of the crops
grown in the U.S. The crops that can do this
are often termed legumes and they accomplish
this “fixing” of the nitrogen through a relationship with bacteria called rhizobia. The rhizobia/plant interaction is very specific and the
type of rhizobia that will work with soybeans is
different than the type that will grow and produce nitrogen with alfalfa. The use of legumes
is not new in crop production. Legumes have
been grown in rotation with other crops for
many years. The annual legumes, such as soybeans and crimson clover, produce enough nitrogen for their needs and often additional
nitrogen is released to the crops following
them. Generally, a perennial legume will produce more nitrogen that is then available for the
crops following in rotation, but this usually
takes a couple of years. Weed control is a potential benefit from the use of cover crops. This
benefit requires that there is enough growth of
the cover crop for it to be a “mulch” and usually
shade out the young, developing weed seedlings.
The production of biomass by the cover crop
can be both a good thing and bad thing. This
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Crop Insurance Today May 2013
President's Message
2012 Year in Review
2013 Annual Convention Great Success!
Max Erickson Awarded Outstanding Service Award
Larry Heitman Pesented Leadership Award
Leadership of NCIS Regional/State Crop Insurance Committees
How Do Farmers Manage Risk When It Comes in So Many Forms?
Step 9-Monitoring and Controlling the Farm Business Q: How do I monitor progress over time?
Three Industry Stalwarts Presented Lifetime Achievement Awards
Cover Crops
Crop Insurance Plan Comparison
NCIS Retirements
Crop Insurance Today May 2013