Staff Report □ Introduce the new hire to all team members. I have been to morning huddles where the team members did not know who the new person was or what his or her position was in the office. □ Have one team member buddy up with the new person. The buddy will be the go-to person for questions and training and will ensure that the new employee has the tools he or she needs to be successful. □ Have the team take the new member to lunch. This will help them all get to know each other on a personal level. Training Process □ Have one person assigned as the clinical trainer for the new team member. This can rotate among existing team members to ensure that they are not getting burned out. □ Meet with new hires daily for the first week. Start with sharing their successes throughout the day and then discuss areas for improvement and any outside reading (other than the training manual) that should be done. □ Meet weekly throughout the training process, and start with the positive areas and move to the struggles. Most frustrations from a trainer and trainee come from a lack of communication. □ Set expectations for what should be completed in the first day, week, and month. This will help keep the training on track. Confirm the trainer and trainee are moving through the training process in a timely manner. □ After the basic training is completed, ensure that the new employee can complete procedures in the amount of time specified in your schedule. If he or she cannot meet the procedure times, have the employee work with an assistant who is able to meet the times. Vintage advertisement 56 PCSO Bulletin Fall 2022