PILOT’S GUIDE Compliant with current and future ats messaging Chart your Course to the future Reliable and continuous communications with your aircraft and flight crew are paramount for efficient operations and flight safety. ICG’s Iridium based flight deck systems support current and emerging Datalink messaging: ACARS, FANS 1/A, CPDLC and ADS-C, as well as providing the flight crew and discuss your cabin with global satellite voice services. Contact ICG to To find out more, visit www.icg.aero or call +1 757 947 1030. technical requirements and learn about our cost effective flight deck solutions. B e r e a dy f o r w h at e v e r t h e f u t u r e B r i n g s. innovative CoMMuniCations. suPerior teChnoLogy.http://www.icg.aero